C L O U D ;
fadiah yana ╭(╯ε╰)╮
Wednesday 5 December 2012 • 06:19 • 0 comments
assalamualaikum , sebenanya yana tak tahu pasal blog ni . tapi yana nak join blogger ni , cuba jer laa . aduhh . x de sape nak ajar masa cuti sekolah ni . sebab rumah kawan kawan jaoh :(

seperti gambar di atas bukan hobi yana . hoho

1..2.. Words!
HEY buddies. my name is Yana for short my full name is Fadiah Dianah BT Mohd Asri. I'm actually was born in 1998 . I have 10 good friends all of them soo cutee. My hobby is cooking,blogging and hanging with my friends. My ambition is become a Pastry Chef.BTW, i really-really like cute & fashionable things. THANKS for READING , sorry if my english so bad. I'm just a human being who makes mistakes.haha (make cute face) :D




>> dapat blog baru
date : NOW
at:10 am

>> beruk keluar tandas
date : 12/12/12
at: 12pm

>> cinderella arrived
date: 1/1/2190
at: 13.12pm


Flyff Lollipop